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Below are 5 composite illustrations below for the owner to choose from.

Visualizing changes in your existing home can be a challenge. You know you want a new, fresh look for the home you love, but when you go to pick out new colors or exterior fixtures, or wonder whether to add brick or stone features, or landscaping... the multitude of choices can be overwhelming.


This is where we can help. When we begin a project we consider many things: your personal taste in colors, the over all "feel" you want to achieve, the architecture of your home, non-painted surfaces, what the other homes in the area look like, to name only a few. After we have interviewed you, and done our research, we will create composite illustrations of what the exterior of your home will look like, giving you real choices and allowing you to confidently move forward. Call today to make an appointment. Let's get started!

PROJECT:  Fresh Look for Home in Sudden Valley




The original  photo of the existing home, above.

The original  photo of the existing home, above.

The composite illustration above is not a photograph, it is a composite illustration. This home is currently painted ivory with a muted-bittersweet garage door.

PROJECT:  Quick Face Lift for a "Flip" Property

Needing to keep the same/similar basic color stucco because it matched siding on 3 sides of the home, this flipper requested a quick face lift that would broke up the Beige, and upscaled the feel of the property. I selected darker trim in both composites trim in dark chestnut and charcoal, then added dark faux wood garage doors, new light fixtures and minimal landscaping. On the second composite, I painted the brick a deep caramel. These were all simple, superficial treatments which allowed the flipper to say within a tight budget.

New Craftsman style fixtures and house numbers, along with bigger planter boxes and simplifying the landscaping contribute to each of the painted composite renderings. Each color set gives the home a very different feel and look. Call today to make an appointment. Let's get started!

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